metamaterial sensor 600

Example plots of the THz near-field destribution measured at a metamaterial surface for sensing applications which is locally loaded with sample material. Left: Peak excitation state, right: 2 ps after excitation.

Our microprobe technology enables the time-domain monitoring of terahertz range electric fields in immeadiate vicinity of a sample surface with sub-wavelength spatial and sub-ps temporal resolution.

See a technical presentation from the field of metamaterials for sensing applications here:



THz near-field measurements at:

  • Metamaterials
  • Plasmonic structures
  • Passive devices: resonators, antennas etc.
  • Emitters
  • Waveguides
  • Sensor surfaces 
Accessible measurement parameters
  • Field amplitude
  • Field phase
  • Sampling position in 3-dimensions
  • Direction of field polarisation in 3-dimensions (using microprobes from the X- and Z-series)
  • Time (or frequency-domain via FFT) 

Protemics is offering in-house measurement services at customer samples, research studies as well as technology development services.

Please do not hesitate to Contact us h35 for further information or sent us a Quote request h35.