The integration of TeraSpike microprobes into existing optoelectronic set-ups is simplified through the use of standardized optical mounting components and the following sub-systems featuring further basic funtions.
The core sub-system D-B1-TR is a mini-board module with pre-aligned opto-mechanical components for the system integration of the TeraSpike transceiver microprobe series (TR).
The core sub-system D-B1 is a mini-board module with pre-aligned opto-mechanical components for the system integration of TeraSpike microprobes
Sub-system D-B2 is a vertical breadboard platform holding the core module D-B1 as well as further beam guiding components. It is offering enough space for additional components such as a CCD camera for probe-tip monitoring or a distance sensor for the sampling of profiled or tilted sample surfaces.
Exemplary CCD camera image of a TeraSpike microprobe tip above sample microstructure.